Battle against multiple illnesses

I have been battling against chronic fatigue and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis for some time now and up until recently getting sick my chronic fatigue had mostly disappeared and I had been easily managing my autoimmune disease with supplements and diet. Several week ago I came down with what appeared to be the flu, after visiting the doctor for some medication I slowly overcame the sickness but for the last few weeks have constantly felt exhausted and sleepy all the time. I didn't look sick anymore but still felt very unwell and I had figured that the flu had triggered once again my chronic fatigue and I tried to rest as much as possible when I was not working. Although no matter how much I rested I just couldn't recover.

As school holidays finally came around and I headed back home for the holidays and was able to schedule an appointment with my Naturopath. She ran a system check and noticed that my body had been exposed and had contracted the Epstein-Barr virus which had not been in my system during my previous appointment only 2.5 months ago. She pointed out that the virus was not only triggering my chronic fatigue but was triggering my autoimmune disease causing havoc on my already low-functioning Thyroid system causing my body to struggle to function. EBV infects B cells of the immune system, with already having my immune system not function properly due to my autoimmune disease EBV is having a profound impact on my gut flora, thus weakening my immune system.

Usually the virus resolves in a few weeks and the person goes back to normal. Although the virus can take up residence in organs and hijack the organ to help the virus hide and multiply. The virus hit several of my organs causing them to swell and harden, my thyroid gland was swollen, my liver is hard and I am tender under my rib cage on both the liver and spleen side. It would have been easier to manage if was found during the acute stage of the virus, so we are doing a month of immune blasting supplements to help rid the virus of my system. This include Cat's claw echine, five mushroom, Andro NK, Vitamin C, zinc and Selenium as well as a detox support for my liver. Besides boosting my immune system with supplements certain foods can suppress the virus, such as fresh detox juices, soups and bone broth.

My Naturopath also ran Bioresonance Therapy which emits electromagnetic waves with distinct frequency patterns to help strengthen the body. She ran this on both my thyroid gland and my liver which she said could at first aggravate the EBV virus that is hiding in those organs before the virus disappears from those organs. Luckily it is the beginning of the school holidays and I have the next 2 weeks to rest and recover before being back at work. By then the immune blasting will be half way through and I should hopefully be feeling better again.


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