the daily struggle of living with a chronic illness

I don't know about you however I can relate to each of these points. For years before I was diagnosed with my autoimmune disease I had struggled to get out of bed in the morning and it could be hours after waking up before I had the energy to get up and do something. I spent most of my days on the couch (in my pj's) binge watching TV shows. I would often have an afternoon nap and on really bad days I would sometimes even have an extra nap in the morning. Days where I had to work or attend university (in the early days) were difficult and felt long and no amount of caffeine helped the tiredness. Up until 18 months ago working full time just didn't seem possible. Some weeks I would struggle to work more that 2 days in the week and would need the rest of the week to recover. If caught the flu which often happens working around children it would take me twice as long as what it should to recover, my body would struggled to recover and I would spend even more time on the couc...